Understanding Online Time Management

During the last few decades internet has become the main bread winner of many people. While quite a few have made internet their livelihood, many others spend their entire free time on the internet. They thus lose reality slowly and steadily and so are in need of online time management.

On line time management means knowing boundaries

Internet is not only a boon but a bane also. It can be dangerous with a number of predators with the goal of preying upon young kids. A number of pornographic websites bring trouble for people of all ages. It is here that on line time management comes in to picture.


Internet developers regularly invent new avenues to trap people. It takes more time than checking an email. So on line time management requires checking more important things instead of wasting time in frivolous things.


People look serious in to some on line virtual realities that have been created. They require some serious on line time management. An excellent example is the “world of Warcraft”. This game has attracted millions of players in the world who spend hours upon hours searching around an alternate reality losing real life in the process.


Even for those who don’t play games on line time is exceedingly important. Often one goes online to see something and is lured away for hours as one thing leads to another.


People are ready to spend hours on line even during their work at the office. Cleverly the employers have limited the on line activities by blocking various web sites and web chatting options.
Internet today has become an addition to which man has become a slave.


It is very difficult to know what people would do if internet ceases to exist. But actually it is growing and growing and does not look like stopping. People should take the good aspects of the internet (e mail, online jobs) and avoid it bad aspects. With proper moderation internet can be productive for people and would not make them idle.


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