Importance and the need for publicity and advertising in the modern business world

Salesmanship deals with personnel approach where he makes and appeal to an individual rather than public at large. The main aim of advertising is make the customers know about the new product, features and build confidence on them and speed up the selling of the product. Publicity, on the other hand, refers to an appeal made to a mass of people.

Publicity of a product can be defined as making goods “publicly” known. Advertising is regarded as an equally important department and demands full attention of the person in charge; it should also create interest from the customers to know about the products. Advertising is really selling; all business is selling at a profit.


The management would form a separate department for advertising the product manufactured by their enterprise or they can create a complete layout of what should be done, what are all the methods and rules should be followed and convey these messages to an advertising agency. Experts define publicity as “ commercially significant news about a new product manufactured by the enterprise, an institution or a person published in space or radio time that is not paid to the sponsor. Advertisement is defined as paid form of non-personnel presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, and products by a sponsor.


Each and every product that is manufactured by an enterprise needs advertising to the media and public. Advertising and sales department in an enterprise outlays the whole marketing plan of the product. The managers present in this level should work as a collective single unit. These departments should work in a coordinated fashion in a way, which would lead the enterprise profitable. This is because the shopkeepers who sell the products have stopped helping the customers in buying. The retailer will also buy the products, which are currently in demand in the markets.


So, the consumers rely on their own knowledge and information they have about the quality of a particular brand of product. This raised the alarm bells ringing in the business enterprise. How to find a solution to this problem and how we can make the customers to know about their new products.


Hence, the customers need to be educated by the manufacturers by means of advertising and publicity of the products. The salesman would face stiff challenges in selling a product to a customer if the enterprise is not advertising about the products even though it has good qualities, unique features, and obvious selling points. The unadvertised product will be pushed down in the market.


Advertising and salesmanship differs from each other. Salesmanship deals with customers directly so it is possible to find out what the customers feel about the product, their reactions. It also gives an opportunity to the salesman to demonstrate the usefulness of product. The main disadvantage in salesman, he can convey the information to single customer at time. But advertising overcomes this and it is effective one it can appeal to a large mass or public at a time and give a brief description about their products. Advertising is not personnel selling of a product.


Advertising therefore has an influence over all the categories in the market and any type of customers. Advertising a particular product is possible only when it can be properly defined, which is the possible way of branding a product. The job of advertising is to make the product known to the people and make them buy the product. It helps salesman finding new markets, improving sales of the product, and maintaining customers goodwill. Good and efficient advertisement is capable of moving people into the shops and thus infact selling itself.


Advertising has done more in commercial world. The manufacturer and the consumer have been brought near to each other. Advertising creates demand for the goods and possible for the introduction to mass production and reducing the cost of the product. It is also considered as a method of strengthening the power and ability of the salesmen.


Another important aspect of advertising the manufacturer should not give false promises to the consumer; it will bring dissatisfaction among the customers, which would normally decline the sales of the product, and it would create a negative impact about the brand of the product. Honesty is the best policy in selling a product to the customers. The consumer should rely on guarantee of uniformity and consistency in quality of goods given by the advertiser. Advertising not only beneficial to the manufacturer or the retailer and also the customers.


Benefits to the Manufacturer:
Ø Increase in demand of the product caused by advertising and introducing of new techniques.
Ø Advertising maximizes the production level in the enterprise.
Ø Reduce the slumps in profit margin of the products.
Ø Large amount of production may lead to stabilize the value of the product.
Benefits to the Retailer:
Ø Reduces the risk dead stock.
Ø Since advertising helps in finding a way to stabilize the price. Retailer will be confident of selling the product with more profits.
Ø It also reduces the percentage overhead of the retailer.

Benefits to the Consumer:

Ø Well-advertised goods are normally better.
Ø It helps in educating the customer and also acts as an information service.
Ø Advertising also makes it possible to sell direct to the consumer by mail order business.


Forms of advertising media for publicity:
The top managements should decide in what way the product should be promoted through advertising. For the good success of the product in the market. The media should be selected on the basis of the budget, the nature of competition, to which extent the product should be marketed, it should focus on whom the product is aimed for. The publicity of the product can be divided into some levels.


Window display:

Attractive window display is very vital factor in effecting the sales. In this the product is displayed which would help the customers about the new products and make the product more appealing and in this way the customer should be motivated to buy the product.


The main aim to attract many people to store by sufficiently arousing their interest. The location of the show room should be in very area of that trade. This gives good chance of sales promotion. The arrangements inside the showroom should be such that visitor should feel at home. The goods shown in the show room should be in high quality same as that of the product sold.


Press publicity:

Advertising can be divided into two parts direct and indirect advertising. The direct advertising is one where it is addressed directly to the persons in the form letter or by other means. Indirect advertising is that which is addressed directly to the public. Press advertising has become one of the most popular and widely used means of distributing advertisement because it very economical and large number of people can be covered.


Press advertising is normally done in newspapers, magazines, women papers, trade journals, foreign newspapers etc. Readership of the newspaper should be analyzed before giving advertisements about the products, hence they should be carefully chosen.


The main advantages in press publicity are large demand and wider circulation of newspaper. It serves as an introduction to follow-up system and forms a means of distributing applications forms, folders etc, provides an opportunity to give lengthy appeal. Appeal can be made to selected class of people.


Outdoor advertising:

There are many ways of advertisings important being the cards, posters, skywriting, railway stations, vehicular advertising, sandwich men etc. This is also referred as mural advertising placed on walls or large photograph attached to the walls. The outdoor publicity gives good opportunities for concentrating on one area. It also gives an advantage of bridging the gaps in other media of advertising and hence avoids waste through overlapping. It helps the retailer whose cooperation can be more readily secured by using this form advertising. It also helps in bringing strong and commanding effect upon the mind of the persons.


Hence without publicity and advertising a manufactures brand would to go into the mind of the consumers so there is rise in demand in advertising of the product. A planned mission will always be a successful one. So before going to the public through media all the possible ways should be analyzed and best possible way should found out. Thus advertising plays a key role in the development of the business enterprise.


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